Snake in the Grass - Huntsville, Alabama
By William Grissim
Huntsville, Alabama is home to four types of venomous snakes. These dangerous reptiles are the Rattlesnake, Cottonmouth, Water Moccasin, and Copperhead. A bite from one of these snakes can cause death.
It’s not unusual to find a rattlesnake in a home, or in a commercial/industrial area of Huntsville. If you see a snake, don’t panic. You should calmly move to a safe distance from the snake, and if possible keep visual contact on it. Give animal control a call and they should be able to help you remove the snake. Most snakes found in Huntsville are non-venomous. However, many people kill any snake they see, regardless of the type. You should never attempt to kill a snake. It could lead to a snake bite. It is best to keep your property clean. Keep the grass cut and take away a lot places for the snake to hide. If you can’t handle the task of mowing the yard, you might want to consider hiring a professional lawn care service.
Tips to Avoid Snake Bites
1. Wear boots and long pants.
2. Be careful in wooded areas.
3. Be careful in tall grass.
4. Be careful around rocky areas
5. Be careful around any body of water.
About the Author
 | William Grissim, Mow Hawk Lawn Care 2104 Sharon St. Huntsville, AL 35810 256-508-8780
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